Midwest Fertility Specialists
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Posts Written by: Lauren.Schildt@axiawh.com

Tips For Self-Care During Your Fertility Journey

As national infertility awareness week gets closer, we want to put the focus back on you! Putting yourself first during your fertility journey can be difficult. To help support and encourage you, we’re sharing some important self-care tips.

Spend time with friends and family. Having a support system during your treatment cycle can be helpful.

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Midwest Fertility Specialists

What To Say To Your Loved One Who Is TTC

Our friends and family may have the best intentions, but sometimes their advice hurts more than it helps. We’re sharing some tips on what to say to a friend who is trying to conceive.

Avoid Asking Pregnancy Related Questions. Some of the most frequently asked questions to couples around the holidays are “When are you going to have kids?” “Have you started trying yet?” “When is it time for another?” These seemingly innocent questions have a significant impact on couples who are trying to conceive.

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Midwest Fertility Specialists

Fertility & The New Year: 4 Ways To Prepare in 2024

The new year is often a time where people make plans and evaluate their goals. If starting or growing your family in 2024 is one of your goals, being prepared is important! Explore some of our expert-approved tips below!

Evaluate your plan. Are you and your partner on the same page? Have you tried options in the past that have not been successful?

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The Howard Family: A Journey of Hope


Jay and Courtney Howard knew early in their relationship that they wanted a family. A seasoned Indy Car driver and youth racing coach, Jay loved working with kids; and Courtney wanted nothing more than to be a mother. But the couple struggled for years with infertility.

After numerous rounds of intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF),

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