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Injectable Fertility Medications

Discover how injectable fertility medications help patients become parents

Our Indianapolis fertility clinic uses injectable fertility medications to help patients fulfill the dream of parenthood. Patients utilize these medications during treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and egg freezing, as they support the maturation and retrieval of eggs.

Our team refers patients to specialty pharmacies to purchase these medications. Our knowledgeable staff also provides patients with in-depth instructions on how to take the medications.

Patients self-administer injectable fertility medications

Patients at our Indianapolis fertility clinic use various injectable fertility medications for IVF and egg freezing.

Medication to stimulate ovarian follicles and egg maturation. Patients take follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) medications for 10 to 13 days during an IVF or egg freezing cycle. FSH medications stimulate the growth of ovarian follicles and cause the eggs to mature. Common brand names for FSH medications are Follistim and Gonal-F.

In addition, patients may take a menotropin medication to help with egg production. A menotropin is a combination hormonal medication that contains FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH). The most common brand name is Menopur.

Medication to prevent ovulation. Patients take GnRH-antagonist medication at a certain point in their treatment to prevent the ovaries from releasing the maturing eggs. Common brand names of GnRH-antagonist medications are Ganirelix and Cetrotide.

Medication to ready the eggs for retrieval. Patients take a hCG medication when their ovarian follicles reach an ideal size. This medication causes the final maturation of the eggs. 35 to 36 hours after the patient administers the injection, the doctor retrieves the eggs during an outpatient procedure. Common brand names for hCG trigger shots are Ovidrel, Novarel and Pregnyl.

Some doctors also prescribe Lupron, which is not a hCG medication, as a trigger shot.

The staff at our clinic regularly communicates with patients during their treatment to provide guidance on medication dosage and administration.

Tips for self-administering fertility medications

The first step in self-administering fertility medications is confirming you have all your medications and materials. You also want to ensure you understand the instructions that our Indianapolis fertility clinic provides. When it’s time to administer the injections, there are many ways to make the process easier.

Set an alarm. Ensure you administer your injections at the correct time by setting an alarm.

Go to a private space. Taking the medications in a private space can prevent interruptions.

Clean your hands and organize the materials. Before administering the injectable fertility medications, clean the area where you’ll prepare the medications, wash your hands and organize everything.

Use ice to numb the injection site. Holding ice on the injection site, which is commonly the lower abdomen, can numb the area before the injections. Luckily, many patients report these injections just feel like a mild pinch.

Soften the abdomen. You can further prepare the injection site by taking slow, deep breaths and relaxing the abdomen. You’ll then gather a portion of skin in your lower abdomen and inject the medication.

These tips can help you feel more comfortable and confident when taking fertility medications. Contact us for more information about IVF and other fertility services.